bush beans

- bush beans - from Ayamonte - Like all of our fruits, untreated and only harvested shortly before shipping

Item number: X101210

* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping

- bush beans
- from Ayamonte
- Like all of our fruits, untreated and only harvested shortly before shipping


Stored dry and cool, e.g. in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator or in a cool room (approx. 6-7 degrees), the fruits keep well.

Important: remove the fruit from the box immediately after receiving the delivery.

Packed by

DSG ZENcorporation SL
Avenida Vila Real de San Antonio 1
21400 Ayamonte

Naturally grown bush beans are grown under conditions aimed at using natural methods and practices without the use of synthetic chemicals or pesticides. Here are some of the features and principles of growing bush beans naturally:

  1. Growth Habit: Bush beans have a compact growth habit compared to pole beans. The plants remain low and spread out rather than climbing, eliminating the need for additional supports like poles or trellises.

  2. Rapid Growth: Bush beans often have a shorter growth duration compared to climbing beans. They typically reach maturity more quickly.

  3. High Yield: Despite their compact size, bush beans can produce a substantial yield of beans, especially when harvested regularly.

  4. Self-Pollinating Tendency: Bush beans tend to be self-pollinating, meaning they are less reliant on insect pollination compared to some other plants.

  5. Diverse Varieties: There are various types of bush beans with different colors, sizes, and flavor profiles. The most common are green bush beans, but there are also yellow and purple varieties.

  6. Nutrient-Rich: Bush beans are a good source of fiber, protein, vitamins (such as vitamin C and folate), and minerals (such as potassium and iron).

  7. Short Growing Season: Bush beans often have a relatively short growing season, allowing gardeners to achieve multiple harvests in a single season.

  8. Good Companion Plants: Bush beans can be good companion plants as they don't take up much space, and their nitrogen-fixing ability can benefit the growth of neighboring plants.